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Exam Prep: AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional (SAP-CO2)

Prepare for the Solutions Architect - Professional certification exam with exam prep. Exam Prep: AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional (SAP-C02) is a 5 hour course to help you prepare for your certification exam. 


In this intermediate-level course from Amazon Web Services (AWS), you learn how to assess your preparedness for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional (SAP-C02) exam. The AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional (SAP-C02) exam validates a candidate’s advanced technical skills and experience in designing optimized AWS solutions that are based on the AWS Well-Architected Framework.

Learn how to prepare for the exam by exploring the exam’s topic areas and how they align to developing on AWS and to specific areas of study. Gauge your understanding of topics and concepts from each task statement grouped by domain. Reinforce your knowledge and identify learning gaps with explanations of exam-style questions. Explore learning strategies to identify incorrect responses by interpreting the concepts that are being tested in the exam using the question explanations.

In this course, you will do the following:

  1. Understand the knowledge tested by the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional (SAP-C02) exam.
  2. Evaluate your gaps in knowledge of the exam topics.
  3. Validate your readiness to take the exam.