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XalDigital triples migration projects in 1 year

AWS Partner TrainingUpskilling Employees on AWS
XalDigital became an AWS Partner in 2018, accelerating sustained double-digit business growth. The company sought to upskill employees on AWS, and it links training to employee compensation and bonus programs to prioritize AWS Partner Training and Certification.

The company used AWS Learning Needs Analysis to assess its skills gaps, then combined various types of training. It offered both classroom and on-demand digital training in AWS Skill Builder Team subscription (AWS Skill Builder), providing flexibility to employees based on their specific needs, projects, and schedules.

The company also used game-based learning within AWS Cloud Quest, part of the AWS Skill Builder online learning center.

Improved and Validated AWS Expertise
XalDigital offered training to 100 percent of its staff, mixing AWS Classroom Training and self-paced courses with AWS Skill Builder. Bonuses, pay raises, and promotions link to AWS skills progression and AWS Certification. Conversion rate of trained-to-certified employees reached nearly 80%.

Business Growth and Expansion
XalDigital was founded in Mexico in 2017 and became an AWS Partner in 2018, accelerating sustained double-digit growth. The company tailored its AWS training program to focus on specific offerings, developing in-depth expertise as the total number of employees has grown 377% in 5 years.

Improved Project Deliverables
Through AWS Partner Training and Certification, XalDigital better understands clients’ requirements and offers more innovative, robust solutions. Employees’ specialized skillsets incorporate AWS best practices, helping customers to migrate 20% faster while reducing project costs by an average of 25%.

Won New Business
XalDigital’s expertise has opened the door to a healthier pipeline of migration projects due largely to enhanced training in migration and other skills. The company expanded from no presence in Central and South America to a pipeline of more than 25 open opportunities in 6 months.